Intake Form and booking your KickStart call


Intake form and KickStart Call

To make sure you start this program with lots of momentum, around the end of the first week we have a 30min KickStart Call together.
This call is set up to go over:
–  Where you are currently in your life and Yoga practice
–  What you would like to get out of this program
–  Any questions you have at this time

Then we will go over the process of the Yoga Master Coaching Program as a whole so you understand everything and can get the most out of this program.
To make this call the best we can, please fill out the following form and questionnaire.

This form comes as a word document and can be filled in if you like. PLEASE ENSURE TO DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE FILLING IT IN!


Please ensure that you fill in and submit the Intake Form below at least 24-48 hours before the KickStart call to support@yogamaster.infoThis ensures that I have enough time to review your answers, and that you get the most possible from our call together!

If the questionnaire is not sent in at least 24 hours before, we will need to reschedule the call which is not always easy to do).

Now that you have finished the “Getting Started” Module and submitted all your assignments, please go ahead and book your 30-min KiCK START Call (usually around the end of the 1st week).
***The ZOOM link for the call will be in the calendar invite, please note down the password, in case you need it.


I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!