CM ACTION LIST – Non-stealing, conservation of energy (Asteya, Brachmacharia), 5:5:5:5 Breathing

Action List

Complete and submit:
1. Asteya and Brachmacharia assignments as mentioned in the lesson of the lecture

2. Note down answers to the questions I asked during both lessons, including the 5:5:5:5 breath

3. Note down any questions/comments for this module to discuss on our next call

4.   WRITE ON YOUR HAND – Writing Asteya, Brachmacharia or 5:5:5:5 on your hand, depending on which one you would like to work with.

This is continuing your practice of becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions, actions and breath as well as your actions all throughout the day.
Remember…. the goal is complete physical, mental and emotional FREEDOM through constant conscious awareness. All of these little tricks help with that, so make a point of really doing this.

4. For one week, every morning when you wake up, and every night before you go to bed, repeat the words on the image above at least once.

You can print it out or take a photo and make it the screen saver on your phone, or you can drag it onto your desktop and make it a wallpaper. REMEMBER TO DO THIS!

Let me know how it makes you feel.

Please submit all assignments at least 24-48 hrs before the coaching calls, if you would like to discuss them.


I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!