YAMAS: Asteya and Brachmacharia (major 'brick' discoverer!)

This is a module that covers two concepts. Please take your time with it and do not rush.

Asteya and a Story on the power or downfall of TRANSLATION

Asteya Assignment

Please go deep!

This is for YOU! Not for me or just to complete an assigment

* Where/what have you stolen (taken what was not freely given)? – stuff, energy, time…
* What has been stolen from you? How did it affect you? How did you feel? How did you deal with it? Did/could you confront the ‘thief’ and did you?  Why did you let them take it? If it would happen again, how would you avoid it in the future?
* Where do you need to start to set boundaries? Why have you not done so yet? How will you do it this time?
* What was your first impression of the lecture? What stood out the most for you? Do you feel you will do things differently in the future? If so how?


Brachmacharia Assignment Please go deep!

For one complete day each:
* Watch out throughout the day the amount any thoughts and emotions that have to do in any way shape or form with sex, sexual relationships (as explained by the video). * Also be amused by watching out for ‘would I, could I, should I, will I’?
* In which aspects of your mind, body, emotions, life, relationships, friends, family, environments, work …, are you not conserving energy? Where are you ‘burning the candle from both ends’? Do you get mentally, emotionally… exhausted? What triggers it? How does it affect you? How does it affect your relationships, your life, your work, relationship with yourself?
* What have you worried about in the past and has the worry itself changed anything? Not the actions that resulted from worrying, but the actual act of worry itself? How did the worry feel/affect you? What could you have done differently? Could you have acted differently to avoid the worry in the first place? (example – do not park the car under the coconut tree and then worry about it – don’t park it there if you know you’ll worry!)
* Are you still bearing grudges with someone? Anyone? From ANY time in your life? Do they know? How is it affecting you? Is bearing a grudge making a difference? -> uncover the bricks in your backpack. How could talking about to the person (non-violently) change things? Could you let it go if they would not accept you talking about it?

* What was your first impression of the lecture? What stood out the most for you? Do you feel you will do things differently in the future? If so how?


I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!