Anatomic details of the uper body opening


Lesson #3:

Anatomic body opening when the arms are pushed to the side and raised up to truly ELONGATE!

Don’t worry, I’m not going to test you on the Latin muscle names :o)
I would like you to look at these pictures! Really look at these pictures. Study them. Really notice all those muscles that we have on our side, front and back body. Look at an individual muscle group and then just raise your arms 1st to parallel and then up straight above your head normally and feel what happens to those muscles. Then raise the arms horizontally and push sideways from the hands, then keep pushing to the side and reeeeaaacchhh upwards! Cover the arms, front, sides and back of the body. Outside and inside  of the rib cage. Close your eyes and REALLY FEEL inside. TAKE YOUR TIME WITH THIS.
Do this exercise for each muscle group and note down your observations. Submit together with your assignment. You don’t have to mention each muscle, a coherent summary will do.
The intercostal muscles are responsible for breathing. Ponder and submit your ideas of what the effect of well stretched intercostal muscles could have on your breathing and thus your Body, Health, Mind and Life.
Please come up with an answer yourself. Do not look up the answers. This is about you learning ‘applied’ anatomy through direct experience, instead of just regurgitating somebody else’s information.

Download this incredible app Anatomy 3D Atlas

This is not necessary, but I highly recommend to download this incredible app. I have tried many and this is by far the best.

It’s a 3D body app, where you can take muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and bones away to isolate sections or individual ones.
It’s been an invaluable teaching tool for me to be able to show students EXACTLY what is going on in their body, as you can see in 3D how it all connects and overlaps.
It’s a magic wand to determine which stretch can help a certain pain point or which muscle to stretch to release surrounding tension – if you have not sensitized your body enough yet to be able to feel it by yourself.
All you need of this app is the section with muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and bones. That might still be available for free, that might have changed (I downloaded it a long time ago). It might be that you have to unlock a section. I remember just paying $4.99, it’s worth every penny. So have a look first at what comes for free before you purchase more. The free version might be enough.
(there are further sections with blood, nerves organs etc that are definitely pay for only)


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