– Please write down any questions or comments that come up throughout the video to discuss on our call
Begin your nourishing journal (a small notebook to be carried with you always). Write from the beginning in a list what nourishes you, makes you happy, you content and peaceful, what you like, what works for you.
Begin from the back of the book and write down what doesn’t work for you, what doesn’t nourish you, what stresses you, what is not good for you, what does not make you happy etc.
Add to the lists whenever things come up throughout the day, no matter how little… food, clothes, hot water, sun, friendly neighbors, the new toothpaste… see? I mean really write down everything without sensoring.
Start a journal just for important realizations.
– Write Ahimsa on the back of your hand and make a comittment that everytime you see it, you will check in if your past actions/speech/thoughts, were in alignment with Ahimsa. If not, think about it how you could have ‘done it better’ and decide how you will do it different in the future. Write important realizations into your WOW journal.
Written assignment to be submitted:
– What did you think about the Ahimsa lecture (honest)
– What stood out for you and why?
– Where and how are you judging yourself openly to others or inwards?
– What are the negative things you are telling yourself about yourself? About who you are or not, what you are or not, how you are or not…
– Were you inspired to make changes for your life? If so what are they?
– How do you intend to make these changes
– What is standing in your way to make these changes (mental/emotional/physical/life)
– How do you intend to overcome these changes?