Yoga Master Coaching Program

The Yoga master

Coaching Program

Taking Yoga to the

next level

Discover the exquisiteness that Yoga was always meant to be

You're A Yogi

(any level, complete beginner to teacher)

and you can't find what you are looking for.

You know there is more, but where to find it?

We are not looking for just any students

- but the right ones

The ones who are ready! Who are ready to transform, who are thrilled to work with us, and who understand that we’re unique and different.

Students who show up coachable, decisive, and resourceful. Who do the work, get the results, and transform beyond anything they ever thought possible.

Any level, any style, any lineage.

The Real Deal

This is IT

This is the only fully comprehensive,

fully structured, step-by step, further Yoga Education and

Transformational Coaching Program

in the world

This extraordinary program is exceptional, outstanding and truly unique in content and execution.

It is of the utmost finest quality, giving access to publicly inaccessible information, and

truly allowing authentic personal experience and deeply profound transformation on all levels.

Truly deepen your practice without or after

YTT teacher training.

Private mentoring, fully personalized approach.

Made by Yogis for Yogis, coming 100% from and through the Yogic path.

The Yoga Master
Coaching Program

Different to any online training, retreat, teacher training or Yoga class you have ever done.

I promise it will be the most rewarding time you have ever spent in your Yoga education.

This is not about a certificate, this is about YOU!

Our aim is to be the best thing you have ever done or hoped for in your Yoga life.

This is it! You have found it!

Let's change your world!

Let's do it!

Are you ready?

Are you ready for a permanent shift in awareness and consciousness through Yoga?

A complete rewiring of your brain?

Letting go of past thoughts, emotional and behavioral patterns?

Discovering your body in a way you never even dreamed possible?

If  everything inside of you screams YES...!!!

This is not just about what yoga is, but where it can get you!

You are invited to Transform. Everything.

What this is NOT

The sad fact is that most Yoga classes, teachers, retreats or even teacher trainings don’t have an actual strategy that systematically works towards the permanent physical, mental and emotional transformation of their students.

It’s not enough to just TEACH you theory or random, stand-alone, disconnected practices, which is what the cookie cutter yoga world out there mostly offers.

Most programs are basic to say the least, and taught completely generic, meaning one (often incomplete) solution fits all (that is physical, mental, emotional). Their attraction is their “energy”, “vibe”, the beauty of the exotic location, the size of the pool... you get my drift.

And therefore most yoga classes and retreats, even teacher trainings, fail to give any kind of profound or lasting changes for their students.

Let's change your world together.

We work differently

This is not just a 'feel good' program, or another teacher regurgitating somebody else's information. This program is unique, full-power, mind opening, inspiring and nothing short of revolutionary in the Yoga world.

This program is a carefully designed Yogic system of truly deep and lasting physical, mental

and emotional transformation

- tried and tested with countless students.

It takes 4 things for a program to create life-changing results for their clients:

    - A solid step by step system that works

    - An inspiring, senior, truly experienced, accessible teacher

    - Fully personalized attention and practices

    - World-class support with Total integrity

In my world, instead of listening to generic lectures in retreats and TTs, for true, lasting change to happen, you need someone to walk you, step-by-step, through a fully personalized process of practices, and coach you every step along the way.

Personalized for YOUR specific body, mind, emotions, behavior and life. Not a groups', or someone else's, but YOURS.

Let's consider...

Are you right for us?

We love our clients. We operate with total integrity in every aspect of our business. We have a phenomenal program that simply doesn't exist anywhere else on this planet.

That’s the reason so many of our students are so grateful they found us.

But the truth is that we’re not for everyone.

There are a few reasons why you shouldn’t work with us.

3 Reasons Why You Should NOT
Do this Program…

How much do you want this?

Do NOT work with us if - You expect transformation Overnight

We can make the journey easier, show you the way, guide you, hold your hand, occasionally give you a necessary shove, but in the end, transformation takes a heck of a lot of hard work. From YOU! There are no substitutes. If you believe in something for nothing, we can’t help you. You must be willing to pay the price for personal changes.

We love seeing our students transform, and that doesn't happen with half-baked, lukewarm "yes I want to, but I want somebody else to do it for me". NOBODY CAN DO THIS FOR YOU.

We can make it straightforward, we can give you a step-by-step game plan for expanding your wisdom, understanding of it all, your mindset. But, even though we can make it simple, no one can make it EASY. You have to put in the hours, the practice and the willingness to stand naked in the rain and melt into the wind (metaphorically speaking :o)

That doesn't mean though that it can't be fun, exciting and mind blowingly interesting, fascinating work! Work that you can't wait to do.

The students that got the most out of this extraordianry course, showed up coachable, decisive, and comitted. They truly practiced the exercises (even if staring at dot for 5 minutes a day might sound strange). They pushed through emotions, the ego trying to get it's say, setbacks, overwhelm, and challenges, and they transformed with a huge smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eye.

“Transform quick” does not exist in the real world. Neither does “Transform easy.”


You have to be willing to be 100% involved in the process.

Will you committ your time?

Do NOT work with us if - You can't find the time for the program 

Part of what makes this program so profound for our students, is that we select students to work with us, as much as they select this program. We know who will benefit the most from our program, and who won't.

We want to work with students that we know will get the most out of it and really:

  Take Yoga to the Next Level,

Body, Mind and Spirit

That means making time for practice, REALLY and ACTUALLY DOING THE EXERCISES. Really thinking about the philosophy, doing the assignments, preparing questions, joining the coaching calls etc.

On the other hand, if you are happy with only going to classes, googling and getting by with the pieces you can find out there, and you do not desire to really take Yoga to a new level that you didn't even know was possible, then this program won't be a good fit.

Can you trust?

Do NOT work with us if - You cannot trust the process.

You have to trust the process.

Do not work with us if you do not trust 100% in our process.

The way we teach is sometimes unconventional, the way we ask you to follow the modules or prepare homework might be different from what you are used to, but please trust us. This process is tried, tested and proven!

Our process just works.

It's been tried and tested many many times

  We offer plenty of personal coaching to make sure that your experience is tailored just for your needs.

Our entire marketing and business philosophy is built around one question: “How can we make this the best program ever? What is going to get the best outcomes for our students? How can we find the students that are going to absolutely love this program?”

That’s how we make every decision about everything in our business, from where we advertise, to the prices we charge, to how we deliver our programs.

We will expect YOU to do the same thing.

Understand this: contentment and freedom are a by-product of you transforming yourself and your life. If you’re not willing to put yourself FIRST, and do what it takes to help yourself, we are not a good fit to work together.

I'll say it again, this is a 100% IN program.

All that beings said, let’s talk about who IS a good fit to work with the Yoga Master Coaching Program.

If this is you...

who we are for

Yogis of all levels, complete beginners, new and longstanding Teachers, Intermediate, advanced, of ALL lineages and styles

*  You must be coachable. Decisive. Excited to learn more about Yoga

*  You must be dead serious about taking Yoga to the Next Level *  About growing, becoming the best version of yourself, exploring your body and your entire being inside and out - through the path of Yoga.
*  You must be willing to pay the price for this transformation

If that’s you, then click below and check out our complimentary master-class where we give you an insight into the step-by-step program we use to guide our clients to the Yoga of their dreams.

Oh, and yes .... THIS IS REAL!









Words from our past students

     "I am a better teacher, a better person

    Let’s make it known to your readers, I am 60. Last year Xian taught me how to fix what yoga had done to me. I now love yoga again….I am a better teacher, a better person…..such a memorable, educational experience.

    I teach every class with your wisdom. I praise your teachings and wished you had been my original teacher…. What you showed me and made me love “Yoga” once again.

Mahalo Nui Loa….."

Teri Vogt

(Yoga Teacher of 30 years)

     "For the first time in my life I feel like I’m finally finding my path!

    Love you so much Xian! What you have created is a beautiful space to heal and grow, to Transform! You’ve changed my life in so many ways and I’m not going to lie it wasn’t easy, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

My gratitude goes beyond words my friend! For the first time in my life I feel like I’m finally finding my path! Stepping outside my comfort zone, it was all trust in the unknown.

In short, you are amazing. An amazing soul, teacher, mother, friend, mentor, the list goes on. Thank you so much! You will always have my endless support!!!"

Mike Araujo

(Yoga Teacher)

     "It has COMPLETELY transformed my whole body.

    Such an incredible opportunity. If you’re AT ALL interested in yoga, then this will be the best program to do!!

Redefining what yoga is as a practice, and yoga as a whole. It has COMPLETELY transformed my whole body so that I no longer have back pain.

And learning SO much more, the program is a fountain of knowledge."

anya Walsh

- (Complete Beginner)


Hi, I am Xian. I am the founder of the Yoga Master Coaching Program.

I welcome Yogis of all levels, from all around the world, to join me on this exciting adventure.

Once you watched the Masterclass, and if you feel you would like help with taking Yoga to the Next Level, you will have the option to chat to me to see if you are a good fit to work together in this fantastic program.

 Please ensure that you watch the Masterclass first!

It will give you invaluable information on how To Take Yoga to The Next Level.

Like this you will know what I work with.

I look forward to talk with you!

Founder Xian

Copyright 2007 Yoga Master Coaching Program

All Rights Reserved.
