Yoga Master FREE Seminar

Yoga Master by Xian - Yoga the Next Level


Are You Ready to truly find the ' IT ' that yoga promises?

To go beyond the momentary bliss on the mat?

To TRULY deepen your practice and LASTINGLY change yourself and your life, beyond your wildest dreams - through the path of Yoga?

Find out what NO Yoga class or YTT will teach you, because they don't know either!


The Yoga Master Way

iconYoga Master by Xian - Yoga the Next Level

Surprising Truths

Of what does and doesn't work to take Yoga to the Next Level and to become exquisitely and permanently more conscious and aware. No matter your level, sex, age, lineage or experience with yoga


How to

Change your way of thinking to be able to experience full, lasting and tangible, 24/7, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation through Yoga


Find YOUR Way

The blueprints and toolkits TAILORED JUST FOR YOU, to deal with ANYTHING that life throws at you, through an approach that you will actually do, that you will thoroughly enjoy, be truly excited about, that fits into your EVERYDAY LIFE and that gives REAL RESULTS,. Fast.


And Destination

Get a glimpse of what you, your life and your practice could look like if you could stop searching, because you had actually 'found' what you have always been looking for


iconYoga Master by Xian - Yoga the Next Level

STOP going to fast food, generic Yoga classes, retreats and YTTs

Taking generic classes without in depth explanations of asana

Randomly doing practices you do not understand and which are not specifically designed for YOU

Accepting pain or discomfort of ANY kind

Going to cookie cutter Yoga classes that do not give you true, practical spiritual depth


STOP trawling retreats, teacher trainings, blogs, google for higher knowledge

Too much work, too little or no results

Focusing on the accumulation of theory only without real life application of Yogic noledge

Accepting momentary bliss on the mat, rather than seeking 24/7 transformation

Wasting time not 'progressing' or evolving

Wasting money not finding what you are looking for



STOP not having a clear,coherent systematic path for your personal development and going deep

Don't be left to your own devices figuring out what to do and how, and with all the questions that come up

Trying to fit together knowledge and practices from too many disjointed sources

Not finding the right resources or teachers

Wasting tons of time on the mat not getting real, lasting and tangible results

Yoga and Meditation are just the 'beginning'...

of a fantastic journey that you don't even know about yet!

I will show you how to get there!

Presented by Xian from Yoga Master

Yoga Master by Xian - Yoga the Next Level

Xian is the Founder of Yoga Master. She has been teaching, healing and revolutionizing the yoga and coaching world for over 30 years.

Xian is a Radical Transformational Yoga Master Coach. What does that mean?

Xian dedicates herself to wake up, empower and evolve humankind, by embodying constant conscious awareness, exquisite physical- and self- development through the often missing or misinterpreted mysteries of Yoga.

Her engaging and structured way of approaching complicated principles and concepts, makes them exquisitely accessible to everyone, fully replicable and 100% practically applicable into every single second of her students day.

Her teachings are unique, fresh, highly enjoyable, irrefutably logical, extraordinarily mind opening and more often than not deeply contradict the teachings of the commercial yoga world.

She stresses the uniqueness of all students and the necessity for precise tailoring of all teachings to each individual.

She diligently teaches from first hand experiences rather than theory, so that her students may also learn through their own first hand experiences, which results in the true embodying of all teachings, rather than just filling up notebooks with practices that never get done or never get them anywhere.


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Thank you so so much for everything, I’ve had some lovely reflection time on how much your program has nourished me, how it has helped to heal things I didn’t even realize needed healing and helped me grow and transform. I would never have believed how far I’d come in a year! My tool kits and blueprints have already helped me through so many ups and downs of life and I still have so much in my tool kit to play with and re-visit. Thank you so much for taking the time to share what you know, and for your constant, kindness, support, love and compassion. And besides that, look my knees are touching the ground when I sit cross legged!!

- Julie Corner


Nearly a year later, I can honestly say that I daily think back to this experience and what I learned. It equipped me with new language, ideas, and concepts to explore, and it offered me a supportive, natural environment in which to heighten my awareness of self, others, and the world around me, by actually being and living in the moment. For the first time in years, it felt as though time passed the way it should, meaning I was truly present. Leaving this experience, I felt as though I was at peace in the world. I can’t thank enough for sharing your wisdom, experience, and energy. I very much look forward to the day we meet again.

- Stephen


My experience with Yoga Master was all that I expected it to be and more! Every day I learned something new that enriched my body, mind, and spirit. Xian is one of the wisest, kindest, and most authentic human beings I know and she is truly a blessing to have been able to live with and learn from. The program was a life changing experience for me, bringing more mindfulness and conscious awareness to my daily life and yoga practice. I would recommend this experience to anyone with an open and conscious mind. Thank you so much, Xian! You are truly one of a kind and are making a difference in this world! Namaste

- Alex Thomson


I never thought I could learn so much in such a short time. Xian is a wonderful teacher, with a catching energy allowing students to break out of there comfort zone – she really inspired me! My mind changed deeply at this place, that now 1 year later I can say that it changed my life…

- Jonathan Cina


Thank you again Xian for everything you are sharing in this program, even a lifetime of practice would not have gotten me to where you have from sharing your knowledge in such a short time. My experience working with you was one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given to myself.

- Anke Noosten

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Through Xian's powerful energy and an amazing way to look at your personal problems and how to overcome them. Xian's lessons really opened my eyes to a new side of Yoga and myself. Thank you so much!

- Johnny Casey


This program completely transformed my whole body so that I no longer have back pain. Xian can look at you and tell you where it hurts. Then she fixes you. Xian is a fountain of knowledge and inspiration.

- Lina

iconYoga Master by Xian - Yoga the Next Level

Perfect occasion to open your mind and explore spirituality more than you ever believed possible. It was a life changing experience and I would highly recommend everyone who has the chance to study with Xian. Xian is one of the most inspiring persons I’ve met and has so much to teach and share. I’ve learnt a lot about yoga that I hadn’t been taught before. My practice has drastically changed for the better. Xian really wants you to understand what it is you are doing and why, and how to do it better for what YOU need. That is for yoga and your way of being in life. She created a wonderful learning atmosphere and you can definitely take more out of it than just some generic yoga practice.

- Tabea


I can hardly believe that I’ve learned in such a short period of time. Xian not only shares her knowledge about yoga and meditation and many other subjects, but also about how to live your life consciously, in order to become happy, content, open-minded, self-loving and aware. I am really grateful for the time I had with her. This is the # 1 address if are interested in yoga. Be ready for an awesome and intense time.

- Cosima Siegling

Yoga Master by Xian - Yoga the Next Level

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