Package: Go Deep + Stop Self-Doubt Workbooks

Workbook Package

Together these workbooks are powerful companions to the Stop Self-Doubt Workshop

Make the workshop even more powerful with this workbook.


 – Stop Self-Doubt Workbook

Helps you to stay on track during the workshop and beyond! Work along these workbooks while you are watching the workshop for maximum effect. Get homework and have written summaries

 – Go Deep Workbook

Helps you Go Deep with Day 2 of the workshop, Discover unconscious, hidden roots and blocks of your Self-Doubt, so that you can address the right issue with the right solution.

You have bought a powerful personal development tools! Enjoy!




Ps, if you feel that you would like to me to go over your Go Deep workbook to help you start to create a self-development strategy, please go to to book a coaching call.


With Love



I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!