THE END….. but never the End…


Lesson #2

The End.... but never the end...

This is only the BEGINNING....

This course is only the beginning of your journey. Your journey into your body, mind, emotions, relations and life. As existence is full of surprises, with every single day, hour, minute and second, your destination changes, and known paths or modes of transport have to be continuously adjusted.

I taught you how to find the roadsigns, how to travel the roads more safely, what to pack and what not and how to get rid of uneccessary baggage that weighs you down, how to nourish yourself on the way and keep in top form, how to choose wisely at crossroads and how not to get lost.

But most of all, how to make the journey fascinating, exciting and fun, and how to always feel confident, even if sometimes you might have no idea where you are going   🙂

Keep questioning, keep the continuous feedback loop going, keep making, adjusting and fine tunig ALL blueprints.

ACTIVELY keep finding solutions for anyting that happens in your life or to you.


Keep dipping into the program. Repetition is the mother of the best masters! You might be surprised that everytime you look at a module, you will discover new depths. That is with regards to asana and also all other lectures and excercises!

Do not believe that you really got everything out of this program yet. We raised your consciousness level through the roof already. Now imagine if you go over the modules again with your new awareness? Every time new insights will explode into your being and NEW, BIGGER connections will be made!

I will always be here for you,

if you would like any future support in respect to this program, if you need a quick question answered, or if you just need a listening ear.

  • You are always welcome to book new calls with me if you would like another hour to discuss anything.
  • Smaller quick questions, you can address to me without charge to our estabished media of communication.
  • I will check in with you in 6 month time for our follow up call.

You are not alone in this journey from here onwards!


I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!