CM Feedback


Hi there, this will be your very last assignment for this program.

A) I would like to invite you to take some time and write me a detailed feedback of this program

1) Where you feel where you were at before the program

2) Where are you now?

3) What changed for you in the last 4 month? Thinking, behaving, feeling, acting, interacting

4) What you have learned and how it will help you in the future and during crisis.

5) If the program matched your expectations

6) Explain the process during the calls and how the way the calls were conducted helped you.

B) I would also like to invite you to ask your family, friends and if applicable partner to write a short comment

1) How was it to watch you on this journey

2) Have they noted any changes and if so what were they

3) How did it affect them to be close to you during this journey.

C) And lastly anything that you feel could be improved.

1) what could be improved




If you feel up to it, I’d love to also have a short video or your feedback to use on my website 🙂

Also, remember, any of your friends and family who are interested in this program, will receive a discount when they mention your name in their application.


I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!