This module is no small task and remember it's your last chance to ask questions about postures, to get them looked at, and get them adjusted or personalized for YOUR BODY.
Don't let this chance pass you by.
Do this module properly to really get the most out of it
After having practiced your own sequences for a while now, you should have had plenty of practice. Do remember though that each posture had a ton of detail in it and that it’s very easy to forget, to fall back into previous habits or loose the importance of the FEELING AND OBSERVATION element of each posture.
So, this is your chance to:
1) Review all postures by DOING THEM. Do them with your eyes closed and really FEEL into your body. Are you aware what you are supposed to DO with each body part and WHY? Do you remember what NOT to do and WHY? What does it feel like? Is there any discomfort, how can you dissolve discomfort?
2) Write down all questions that come up.
3) You are also welcome to still address sequencing questions you might have
4) You can use the next module 27, where I teach a FULL SEQUENCE and the Sun Salutations, to review some of the postures we have already covered, and to also learn some new ones. Once you have completed MODULE 26 and 27, you will get access to a further module with more FULL SEQUENCES for your future use.