1. Note down any questions/comments for this module to discuss on our next call, including your answers after the Nadhi Shodhana
2. Assignments in the Compression and Tension in Lesson 2, as well as your summary of the anatomy experiment in Lesson 3 and submit
3. Draw your stick figures for Badakonasana and Janushirshasana and practice it according to the ‘how to get the most out of the asana modules’ / and the stick figure video.
4. Submit a picture of your stick figure drawings for both postures as well as an explanation of what a CLEAN STRETCH IS
5. From now on, check in with all your yoga postures… : do you feel bone compression or tension?
6. Ad with permanent marker on your mat: Compression or tension?
7. WRITE ON YOUR HAND – Continue writing Ahimsa, Satya or 5:5:5:5 on your hand. This is continuing your practice of becoming aware of your breath as well as your actions, speech and thoughts towards others and yourself all throughout the day. Remember…. the goal is complete physical, mental and emotional FREEDOM through constant conscious awareness. All of these little tricks help with that, so make a point of really doing this.
Please submit all assignments at least 24-48 hrs before the coaching calls, if you would like to discuss them.