Write down your thoughts, impressions, reactions about this lecture
If you have a partner, if possible, and if you want to, practice together. If you do not have a partner, practice as much as you can alone.
Write ‘T’ on your hand and check in with your sexually related thoughts
Check in with your should I, could I, would I, will I?
Write down all your answers to the questions I asked you in the video. These are YOUR answers, before I GAVE THE ANSWERS. I want to see how you understood the stories without my explanations. If you are still unsure, let me know in our calls. I really want to make sure you understand the immense significance of the stories I told.
Eye gaze for 10 minutes with:
With yourself in the mirror
With your partner if you have one
A family member
With a feminine friend
With a masculine friend
Note down all impressions, realiziations, insights, observations, thoughts, emotions etc., after each gaze.
Please submit all assignments at least 24-48 hrs before our call,
if you would like to discuss them.