Action List


Lesson #2

Action List

Please do not rush these exercises. They might be some of the most important once you’ll do in your life, setting the scene for your transformation. The deeper you go into each of them, the more you will get out of them.

1.  Create your Vision using the Vision Creator 1 AND 2
2.  Complete the Beliefs exercises.

3.  Please email ALL three assignments above together in ONE email to with the subject line: your name, Module 1 and the names of the assignments. Please ensure to submit the assignments at least 24-48 hours before our call.
5. Once you have completed and submitted the exercises in
Module 1, you can book your first coaching call. You can find the scheduling link in the ‘RESOURCES’ section of the on-line program. Please book 4 calls if at all possible at the same time and day each week.
Please submit all 2 assignments at least 24hrs before our 1 st coaching call


I spent 30 years so that you don’t have to!

I am here for you!